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​Copyright 2024    |    Set Yourself Free Podcast with Justin the addiction guy

Curious about the world of professional addiction treatment and how those professionals think about the causes, treatments and prevention strategies?

Are we helplessly whirlpooling in the endlessly more potent addictive traps that capitalism invents for us to consume? Philosophy, recovery, healing and hope are the cornerstones of this unedited dialogue as service to make our community stronger, more educated and evolved when it comes to our addiction problems as a society.

Justin Thomas was the commencement speaker at his 2020 graduation from Hazelden Betty Ford Graduate School of Addiction Studies, and worked as a licensed therapist and Renewal Center Specialist at the #1 treatment center in the world.

He is well versed in both the DSM-V and the spiritual philosophies of addiction recovery culture.

Justin interviews guests about how to prevent falling into addictive traps, critical thinking about the logical fallacies embedded within sober support systems and how we can meet our full potential within a system of capitalism that insists on getting us addicted to the products it tries to sell us. Today, he works in hospital systems supporting teams of medical doctors, nurses, social workers and mental health technicians navigate Minnesota's system of addiction treatment funding and approaches to communicating with patients about their drug use with motivational interviewing. 

Justin's interviews are unedited, personally candid, de-shaming and educational with addiction professionals in the field. We discuss therapeutic approaches, relapse prevention, and the normalization of intoxication in our contemporary culture.